I’m pleased to announce that I’m now a Certified MentorCoach (CMC)!
Category Archives: Announcements
Melanie’s Interview with IPCAA
I’m proud to announce that I was recently interviewed by a student from my graduate program for IPCAA’s inaugural alumni newsletter! You can read the whole interview online: http://sites.lsa.umich.edu/ipcaa-alumni/2015/03/25/interview-sobocinski/.
It’s another take on the story I tell in my About page. Thanks to Jenny Kreiger for a fantastic conversation.
For the early birds out there
I’m excited to be joining two of my NAPO-Michigan colleagues as a panelist at this Thursday’s Women’s Exchange of Washtenaw event: WXW Clutter Busting Moves-Are You Ready for Spring? Follow either link to register for this 7:30am breakfast meeting on March 19, 2015 at Washtenaw Community College.
We’ll be sharing tried-and-true organizing strategies and there will be open Q&A and a chance to crowdsource even more organizing jujitsu. Sure to be fun and educational for all!