I’ve wondered over the years: WHY is writing SO difficult? Why can’t I (or my clients) just THINK about the writing project? What does writing do that other forms of thought can’t?
Tag Archives: focus
3 Steps to Get Control of Email WITHOUT Deleting Messages

(c) Rosemary O’Neill. Used with permission. http://www.smallshopsocial.com/blog/cartoon-focus-your-social-strategy-dont-play-carnival-games
I’m in the middle of a project and need to refer to–or respond to–an email somewhere in my inbox. So I open up email, and BOOM. 30 minutes gone. “And what was I intending to do, anyhow? Oh, yeah, I needed to find….” Continue reading
“If you can’t do it now, looking at it won’t help you do it later. Looking at it will only make you tired.” ~Jane Allen Petrick
Lessons from a big project
The manuscript is at the press!! And now I can return my attention to other ventures (like this blog). 🙂
Lessons from this big project (involving 3 editors, 42 essays, 49 contributors, and 4 years of work) are still fresh in my mind:
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Manifesto on Productivity
One of the tasks of adulthood, IMHO, is to develop one’s own take on productivity. Everyone needs
- a tool kit, and
- a mindset.